Sunday, February 6, 2011

Journalist Denis Robert vs Clearstream Luxembourg wins the final round

This is a long and murky story of freedom of speech, libel, banking secrecy, illicit funds and more. Investigative journalist Denis Robert suffered through years of legal proceedings. A Luxembourg saying says "you can't win against the bank". I always disagreed, but it takes some guts, maybe some money because the banks have more of that. Here is one of the examples of such a win, though it is in the French courts:

I'll elaborate as this link points to a French site. But the implications are significant. This decision gets top ratings in publicity as jurisprudence, as it is vastly published at all levels of the French system. I don't know the journalist, but probably this is a sweet revenge and a green light to speak out more.

1 comment:

  1. I used to work for Clearstream. Glad Denis Robert is still fighting. Thanks for posting this.
