Monday, February 20, 2012

Now The Rest Of Europe Has Made Sure It's Protected, Greece Can Go To Hell

After years of stubborn denial, incompetent European leadership is slowly getting it. I have always thought that the rush to a common currency was a cognitive distortion, a perfect blunder and a betrayal of  the founders of the European ideal. I was wrong about how the misguided Euro policy was going to implode: I was convinced it would arise in the German-French tandem, based on about half a century of continued French devaluations. What would happen if by following that historic pattern that put France repeatedly in a situation where best policy dictated a devaluation of the French Franc? With the Euro, that important adjustment was lost, whereas there was very little common economic policy. That being said, oh surprise, it is one of the smaller economies that brings havoc.  I still argue the same way as a couple of years ago, when the crisis unfolded:

"There are only two choices for Greece: either return to the drachma and devalue, or cut salaries, pensions and social benefits. Others will have to do the same. Promoting a common currency, a common defense, a common foreign policy without a common government is stupidity and incompetence by the "leaders" in Europe. It is also a betrayal of the ideas of the founding fathers." (May 31, 2010) at:

The Luxembourg Finance Minister Luc Frieden is quoted in this article which shows that he is drifting away from the political correctness and from official Europe's fallacious policies and group think. He seems to join the German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schäuble. How could anyone think that uninterested and unlimited help would come from better-off countries, and how could anyone think that people would understand the need for endless hardship?!

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