Saturday, April 6, 2013

Pierre Mariani and DEXIA, Parachuting in the Morning, in the Evening

My Orchids. Dendrobium "Golden Parachute". Photo ET

DEXIA's Silver Parachutes.

I know some about orchids, Belgium, France, Luxembourg and DEXIA. All combined give us a Belgian story today about Pierre Mariani, former DEXIA boss, who was denied (with much publicity) a seven figure Golden Parachute, in 2012.

What was not well known was that, as the Golden Parachute failed to open, he got instead two Silver emergency ventral parachutes, called DEXIA Asset Mangement and Denizbank totaling Euros 675,000 annually. Safe landing!

Why should we, the French, Belgian and Luxembourg taxpayers care? Because of 90 billion reasons or euros we had to vouch for.

In the meantime, I hope to settle a difference between the Flemish "De Morgen" (the Morning) and the Belgian French speaking "Le Soir"( the Evening), the first seeing a Golden Parachute, the second not seeing one.

Let's compromise on "Silver Parachute(s)".

Mariani zwaait af bij Dexia met 1,7 miljoen euro - Economie - De Morgen

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