Tuesday, November 25, 2014

More good news for Cargolux

Wing Wave by the Red Barron, Stuka instructor. Defying aerodynamics

More good news for Cargolux

It sounds like good news: 10,000 tonnes lifted from and to Zhengzhou. The occasion was euphoric and celebratory, and a big event took place in a hangar at Findel airport.

Usually such an event requires a light tone, more suitable for my sister blog peckvillchen.blogspot.com. But it is in Luxembourgish and only Mr. Bausch and the Chinese Ambassador would understand.

Both were there, Mr. Bausch being the one recognizable easily, wearing a Tibetan scarf. Which signals that Global Warming just reversed into Global Cooling. The other guest then obviously was the Chinese Ambassador, who ignored the provocation of the Tibetan scarf.

For the occasion, a big screen had been printed, which signals also that Cargolux is trying to master new communication skills: You name it, we print it. However, I found the event a bit awkward. It coincided with a number of other little announcements, such as the “Dangerous Goods Awareness Award”.

That sounds a bit trivial, and out of proportion, like announcing ceremoniously my Jet Blue Badges. If you get on a Jet Blue flight, you can earn such a badge, and share the news with your friends on social media! I earned so far: the “True Believer Badge”, the “FLL, NY”, and the “Boston Badge”, or even more beautiful, my “Eat your cake & fly”, the “Happy Legs”, and the “High Five” badges.

I nominate Mr. Bausch first of all for the “Cargolux is a private company Badge”, and the “Cancelled Zhengzhou flight Badge”. And CV for the “First USD in Profits Badge”, when we get there. Because, when a venture is a success, no one is going to ask: “How much did it cost?”

N.B. The picture above shows the new skills available at CV: close combat air support training, as demonstrated in Seattle. The Red Baron, famous for bone-rattling short landings and 7g turns is supposed to be at the helm here.

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