Monday, August 31, 2015

Say it in gender neutrality: Xe had hir stop xem car and ze gave xem xir keys saying xe were xirs.

Xem xer Orchids: Phalaneopsis "Xe xirs". Photo Xe and Ze

Say it in gender neutrality: Xe had hir stop xem car and ze gave xem xir keys saying xe were xirs.

This is exciting news for crosswords fanatics. The two and three letter pool for personal pronouns got richer, and gender neutral, thanks to an academic achievement of the University of Tennessee Knoxville. It recommends banning the Paleolithic “he, she, his, hers, him, her” and replace them by the Committee for Inclusion approved neutral designations in the table below. This is my first training exercise: try it, include yourself:

Xe had hir stop xem car and ze gave xem xir keys saying xe were xirs.

In Paleolithic primitive idiomatic expression, where gender was an unwarranted but pervasive determinant in the nascent language, saying what isn’t is saying what is, and would have translated in the following primitive form:

He had her stop their car and she gave him her keys saying they were hers.

Now comes the hard part. I’ll try to figure out a system for the German language, with a Sprachanleitung for nominative, accusative, dative, genitive. What the heck is that “gen” in “genitive”?

This is an exciting and practical table 
to help you over the initial inclusion moments 

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