Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Ukraine: From Sitzkrieg to Blitzkrieg, or from Phony War to WW III?

My Orchids: Russian Dancer


From Sitzkrieg to Blitzkrieg, or from Phony War to WW III?


In the Ukraine, history repeats itself. The parallels to the European 1930ies are staggering. Russia plays the old German handbook today. Or Putin plays Hitler. Here it goes, stroke after stroke and side by side:

1.     At the beginning are two historical events. The Treaty of Versailles of 1919 ended up being resented by German public opinion as a Diktat, politicized by Adolf Hitler. The collapse of the Soviet Union finalized in 1991 left many nostalgic about the lost empire, among them Vladimir Putin. Both men determined that their destiny was to correct their national catastrophic events.

2.     Both men grabbed and consolidated absolute power.

3.     Both men strengthened their military and started exerting power on neighboring “previously lost” territories.

4.     After getting the world used to their threatening rhetoric, comes the next phase of an undeclared war: Hitler intervened in the Spanish Civil War, annexed the Sudetenland from Czechoslovakia in 1938, and the Austrian “Anschluss”. Putin’s biography includes the Chechen war, the war with Georgia in 2008, and the annexation of Crimea in 2015.

5.     Hitler signed a “non-aggression pact” with Stalin, securing his Eastern border. Putin engineered unprecedented friendship with Xi’s China, securing and aligning interests with China’s.

6.     European powers tried to appease Hitler. Noteworthy is the British Prime Minister’s speech in 1938 returning from a meeting in Munich where he was lured by Adolf Hitler. Neville Chamberlain declared that he was bringing back “Peace for our time”. And “go home and get a nice sleep.” These days Western powers, most notably Presidents Biden and Macron multiplied attempts to rein in Vladimir Putin, threatening him with sanctions. Their appeasement efforts didn’t even yield a phony agreement. Putin crossed a line on February 22nd by ordering Russian troops into dissident Ukrainian provinces.

This side-by-side comparison looks like a copy and paste calendar on the way to World War III. By disclosing and defining the West’s anticipated reaction upon an invasion of Ukraine as being “sanctions”, a western military option was taken off the table. Maybe not explicitly, but Putin just tested the West by moving troops beyond the status quo line into the repurposed Ukraine territories of “Donetsk People’s Republic and “Luhansk People’s Republic”. And he sees no military reaction of the West. Proof that the only consequences will be limited to sanctions. Which will be a little annoying only for those sanctioned, but widely cancelled out through Russian-Chinese friendship and commercial ties.

In geopolitics and military strategies, it is vain to gauge an adversary’s intentions. Instead, all that counts are his possibilities and those should be analyzed. Is an invasion of the rest of Ukraine coming? It is a possibility. Militarily, Ukraine stands alone, as the West has no appetite for war. Putin sees US and European leadership as weak. Worse, how much Kompromat does he have about western leaders? And he is the solution to Europe’s partly self-inflicted energy crisis. China wouldn’t stand in his way and might use the crisis and perceived weaknesses to its own advantage regarding Taiwan. If the annexation of Ukraine is in his plans, as his past actions seem to show, his moment is now: a weak West, Europe with no political will to call to arms and with no military aspirations, a sympathetic China, and an overwhelming combat ready Russian force with air superiority. Not mentioning the nuclear weapon.

Given this unique alignment of the stars in Russia’s favor, an assault on the Ukraine is a real possibility. The Ukraine Government just mobilized reserve units. Signs point towards war.

We’ll then see a classical script unfold. Ironically there seems to emerge another similarity with 1940, the von Schlieffen Plan. The Russian built-up at the border is complemented by another built-up in Belarus where combined exercises included the use of airborne forces. The setup on the ground indicates a possible plan copied from the German von Schlieffen plan, throwing German forces through Luxembourg, Belgium and the Netherlands, in this case through Belarus.

Having already stressed the importance of viewing possibilities over intentions, let’s allow us to speculate on the intentions by suggesting the following scenario:

We’ll know that day J and hour H have arrived when cyber and physical attacks occur on Ukrainian Command and Control centers. This is the prelude to an imminent ground attack. Ukrainian defense forces will be targeted by intense artillery “preparation”, including the well-known Stalin’s organs. The Belarus exercises showed the presence of airborne forces. The Russian plan would be typical if it used an airborne division to be dropped in the vicinity of a key objective, maybe Kyiv. Ground forces from Belarus would in priority fight their way, less than 100 miles, to that dropping zone to join forces at the throat of Ukrainian decision makers. A very concerning possibility that would within hours put the world facing a “fait accompli”.

Besides Putin another winner is President Xi. Doors are open to deal with Taiwan. History there will repeat itself too.


Monday, February 7, 2022

Xi meets Grand Duke Henri of Luxembourg on deepening ties

Chinese President Xi Jinping meets with Grand Duke Henri of Luxembourg, who came to China for the opening ceremony of the Beijing 2022 Olympic Winter Games, at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, capital of China, Feb. 6, 2022. (Xinhua/Ding Lin)

BEIJING, Feb. 6 (Xinhua) -- Chinese President Xi Jinping on Sunday met with Grand Duke Henri of Luxembourg, who came to China for the opening ceremony of the Beijing 2022 Olympic Winter Games.

Xi said that China appreciates the support of Grand Duke Henri of Luxembourg for China's bidding and preparation for the 2008 Summer Olympics and the 2022 Winter Olympics. He also thanked Luxembourg's royal family for firmly supporting and actively promoting the friendship between China and Luxembourg.

Chinese President Xi Jinping meets with Grand Duke Henri of Luxembourg, who came to China for the opening ceremony of the Beijing 2022 Olympic Winter Games, at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, capital of China, Feb. 6, 2022. (Xinhua/Liu Weibing)

Saturday, February 5, 2022

Xavier Bettel Copy & Paste, Xavier Bettel Copy & Paste, Xavier Bettel Copy & Paste ......


Een Copy & Paste mat Genehmigung vunn

Xavier Bettel Copy & Paste, Xavier Bettel Copy & Paste, Xavier Bettel Copy & Paste ......

 Nanzeg schléisst sech dem Péckvillchen sengen Conclusiounen un

COPY & PASTE with permission from

Dëser Deeg huet den Obama dem Péckvillchen gesot,

Hien hätt den Biden iwwert déi Affaire mam Xav gefrot,

Mee den Joe huet dat warscheinlech ënnerwee vergiess,

Duerfir huet den Barack et alt am Péckvillchen gelies.


“ Mä Barack, den Xav huet seng Thes méi séier geschriwwen,

Wéi mär se liesen kënnen, do ass näischt iwwerdriwwen.

Et wär nëmmen Copy & Paste gewiescht soen d’  Leit.”

Et wär nëmmen Copy & Paste gewiescht soen d’  Leit.


De Péckvillchen als investigativen Journalist,

Weess jo dat een alles hannerfroen misst.

“Här Premier, Här Staatsminister, Här President,

Wéi kennt et dat elo jiddereen Iech Fuddeler vernennt?”


“O Péckvillchen, Dir sidd eis wichtegst Publikatioun,

Ech ginn Iech gären meng ganz transparent Versioun,

Et ass alles Fake News an Desinformatioun,

Ech erliewen dat mat schrecklech viller Emotioun!”


“Déi Geschicht ass elo méi wéi zwanzeg Joer hier,

D’ Zäiten hunn geännert, wou ass hannen wou ass vir?

Et fänkt un mat dem Joer 2000, dat stoung virun der Dir,

Eng ugesoten IT Katastroph fir eisen Centre Financier.”


“Ech goung direkt an d’ Politik fir d’ Welt ze retten,

Well den Juncker war ënner allen Klarinetten,

An den Cricri, mäin Prof sot Ech soll dat maachen,

Keen Hunn géing kréinen iwwer vollendet Tatsaachen.”


“Elo ginn et der awer déi mengen Ech géing mengen,

Et wär ee groussen Problem, mee nëmmen am Klengen.

Copy & Paste ass keen Problem well Ech d’ Erlabnis hat,

Ech hat mat all Auteur iwwer déi Saach geschwat.”


“Een Auteur sot, ernimm mech nitt, et bleift ënnert eis,

Ech well mech nitt bretzen, dat ass keng Art an Weis.

Den Cricri sot, dat inspiréiert d’ Leit eegen Recherchen ze man,

Pour avancer le schmilblick, do mécht een wat een kann.”


“Um leschten Stëppel ass meng wäitleefeg Famill agesprong,

Den Rachmaninov op der Schreifmaschinn, deen op seng Fassong,

Un mengem Memoire geklimpert huet fir fäerdeg ze ginn.

Hien sot t’ wär eng Inachevée, dat een jo spéider kann gesinn.”

“ Komm mär stellen eis emol een Moment ganz domm,

Hätt Ech deemools keen Risk geholl, léich d’ Heck haut an der Kromm.

Dann hätten mer den Juncker haut och nach,

An d’ CSV wär elo iwwer honnert Joer um Trach!”


“D’ Lëtzebuerger missten an d’ Ausland wunnen goen,

Zu Diddenuewen géing eng vun eis bezuelten Krëppchen stoen,

Den Fränz wär jo senger Liewen nitt Vize-Premier ginn.

A wou wieren d’ Milliounen déi fir Vanuatu am Budget stinn?”


“Den Grand-Duc wär nitt mat der fréierer Grande-Duchesse bestuet,

An dann d’ Kierch, déi wär ëmmer nach am Duerf.

T’ gëtt och an Zukunft keng Koalitioun ouni den Xav,

An deem Sënn sinn déi nächst Walen schonn gelaf.”


“O Excellenz, Här Präsident, flash vum Milliounen Sender RTL,

D’ Enquête vum Kapitän Copytani ass pünktlech wéi d’ CFL.

Sie soten hien hätt gesot dat vill Leit soten t’ wär alles an der Rei,

An Nancy zwee wär ersat mat enger Uni déi ass fonkelnei.”


“Den Cricri ass zwar nach ëmmer do. War deen Proff mëttelméisseg?

Momentan schéngt hien e bësschen verdrësslech.

An iergendwéi deet hien dem Péckvillchen Leed,

Hien sot: “Maître Péckvillchen hëllef Du sich bei der Enquête?”


“Cricri” sot den Péckvillchen, “deen hei weess jo vill ze vill”

“Komm, mär zéien eis deen Rachmaninoff iwwert den Grill.”

“Deen huet an der Hetz op amerikanesche Pabeier gedréckt,

An doduerch ass dunn den ganzen Memoire verongléckt.”


“Den DIN A 4 Pabeier ass bal zwéin Zentimeter méi laang,

Doduerch huet all Note bas-de-page an der Loft gehaang.

Sie waren do, et war just keng Plaz fir se ze drécken.

Den Rachmaninoff kann dat jo awer einfach flécken!”


“Cher ami”, sot den Cricri, “déi Péckvillchen war wunderbar”,

“Mir sinn fir Wuerecht an Recht sot den Péckvillchen am Saumur um Bar,

Eng lescht Saach nach Här Präsident, wär et iwwerhieflech,

Dem Péckvillchen seng Presshëllef hätt een kennen besser maachen. (1)




          (1)  Note bas de page: dat reimt jo guer nitt. Mee et ass en Zitat vum Xav.


P.S. Allen treien Lieser vum Péckvillchen ass et erlaabt dat heiten originellt Wierk ze kopéieren an ze “pasten” wou se wëllen. Dir musst just dës Kéier Är Quell uginn:


TRIVIA: Wéi fënnt een Copy & Paste: Hei een Beispill vun engem einfachen Trick (deen engem verzeit gëtt), fir eraus ze fannen ob een Text een Plagiat ass: kopéiert den ganzen Text hei hannendrun iwwert den Schiller, an “paste” dann den ganzen Text an “Google Search”. Wann deen Text iergendwou schonn vun engem publizéiert gouf, weist Google wou dat ass.


Dans la pièce de Schiller, Wilhelm Tell, c'est le premier verset du fameux serment du Rütli qui aurait scellé la naissance de la Confédération Helvétique le 1er août 1291. Il s'agit en fait de la première "Constituante" en Europe où le peuple Suisse s'émancipe et se défait de la tutelle féodale.