Sunday, November 1, 2009

Delaware Beats Switzerland as Most Secretive Financial Center - ABC News

Delaware Beats Switzerland as Most Secretive Financial Center - ABC News

Delaware is number one. Switzerland is number three!

Luxembourg is number two, but doesn't make it into the headline. Though number three makes it there. Luxembourg demonstrates herewith its great art in concealment. Beware, Delaware!

The ABC News article is based on the following:

Again, beware Delaware, Luxembourg is catching up. Here is a bet: Next year, Luxembourg will be number one. It is not a secret why: it is the pending "Incorporation Transparency and Law Enforcement Assistance Act (S. 5926)." It will instantly deflate Delaware's secrecy standing. There are also some tiny little amendments to various provisions in the US tax code targeting tax havens, not yet very visible, but incisive for both offshore and domestic havens.

It will make Luxembourg instantly the number one on TJN's secrecy list, and the main target for all marksmen out there, sniping at tax havens. We are talking about many, many marksmen.

Egide Thein

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